The Maze Runner (2014)


The Maze Runner PosterDirector: Wes Ball

Release Date: September 19th, 2014 (US); October 10th, 2014 (UK)

Genre: Action; Mystery; Science-fiction

Starring: Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Will Poulter, Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Twilight kick-started the craze only for it to ripen amongst the chaos of The Hunger Games’ Cornucopian anarchy. The young adult adaptation trend is sweeping cinema and its latest passenger, The Maze Runner, is certainly one of the better book to screen jobs. This latest jaunt owes a great debt to Suzanne Collins’ novels in particular, and manages to hold up stringently despite not sharing The Hunger Games’ politically infused backbone. It’s a solid film that will likely play better when pitted alongside the planned sequels, but for now Wes Ball’s directorial debut should be considered, at the very least, a steadfast success.

Devoid of his ability to remember, Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) awakens inside a noisy metal cage that is rapidly ascending skywards. It suddenly halts, opening to reveal bright sunlight and a group of grubby males. Thomas soon learns that about the Maze, an ever mobile entrapment monitored at night by dangerous spider-like Grievers. To make matters worse, the boys are stuck in the Glade — the grassy centre of the Maze — and there doesn’t appear to be any way out.

The rules: trust, run, return. Led by the longest serving inmate, Alby, the group of young males have systematically formed and subsequently cater to a subsistence society; some build bamboo prisons, some farm vegetables, some run the Maze. These Runners, we’re warned, must return from their exploration exploits before dark or else they’ll be trapped for the night and “no one has ever survived a night in the Maze”. The opening act is very pre-occupied with Basil Exposition. Launching us into this new, mysterious world without any briefing, the filmmakers do their damnedest to catch us up on happenings without giving too much away.

What we have, then, is a Lord of the Flies meets The Hunger Games narrative composite, and one that works rather well. Whilst thematic exploration is a tad frothy, the film definitely has the latter’s industry. It shows too. Visually, The Maze Runner dips into that familiar gloomy, metallic sheen before unravelling with energy and turbulence as characters enter the Maze. Perhaps too caught up in the action, the camera itself becomes overly-eager on occasion but cinematographer Enrique Chediak ultimately reflects the disparate tone of proceedings. It is worth pointing out John Paesano’s brooding score also, one that spikes in moments of danger and gets the heart racing.

And it’s not just in these areas of technicality that the film resembles its older cousin, but also in plot make-up. The Maze, it turns out, is split into eight sections much like games’ twelve in Catching Fire. The cage that elevates Thomas into the Glades at the start is essentially the glass pod that drops Katniss off at the Cornucopia. Although the piece doesn’t resonate thematically — at least not with the same rigour — there are interesting momentary flares. At its heart, The Maze Runner is an analysis of defeatism, of struggle and acceptance. Thomas’ arrival signals a resurgence in moral determination for some Gladers (“I don’t know if [Thomas] is brave or stupid but I think we should make him a Runner”) whereas others, such as the group’s perennial enforcer Gally, seem somewhat content with their chained destiny. We can almost empathise with him too, given the Glades isn’t really all that horrifying a place.

The aforementioned element of mystery — amplified when Kaya Scodelario’s sole female Teresa shows up — helps us relate to the characters as a collective; essentially, we know as much as they do and vice versa. By the same token, Wes Ball is faced with the task of balancing the integral build of tension with restraint when it comes to use of the Maze. He almost achieves this unity too and that simmering atmosphere is nearly there — the brutalist appearance of the snaring stone structure combined with hardly any knowledge, a sense of dissolution and a lack of someone to villainise all coalesce together into a medium-sized wave of carpeting tension.

We do get the sense that Ball and company have been sold down the river when it comes to matching the tone with on screen events. Put simply, the film needs to be a little more violent. Instead the audience can just about smell the stench of studio-implemented pandering at the expense of storytelling. Sequences in the Maze are effective yet never totally capture the risk that would normally be glaring from the screen, and it’s because of this sterilised approach. The Griever monsters, all hybrids of the Xenomorph, the Predator and Shelob, look like they could do some hefty damage but we never really feel the brunt of their potential capacity.

As is often the case in this genre these days, the cast do well. Dylan O’Brien leads the way as the “curious” Thomas and manages to garner a feeling of hard-to-pinpoint inner turmoil whilst also coming across as capable, as someone fuelled by purpose. The arrival of Teresa does prescribe in tandem worries over a clichéd romance between the pair, but love takes a back seat as it should under the circumstances. Kaya Scodelario is also effective in her role, but she’s the one who draws the shortest straw in terms of character development. More to come, I suspect.

Two other stand-outs are Will Poulter, who seems to be carving out a niche for himself as a promising big screen talent, and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Game of Thrones fans will recognise Brodie-Sangster, here playing second in command Newt who is arguably the most accessible of the bunch. Despite his role as the most remonstrative resident, Poulter ensures that Gally retains an understandable righteousness. Friction-causing notwithstanding, Gally’s thoughts are always practical and occasionally hold greater verve than the riskier doings of others.

The inconclusive ending does hurt the film. Revelations arrive a tad too easily before concluding abruptly, and it is clear that those in charge have at least one eye on the sequel by the time the final act rolls around. It is also true that during the two hour runtime, there ought to have been a warrant for deeper examination into societal codes between the boys. Having said that, opting to engage with The Hunger Games over Lord of the Flies is probably a wise decision in 2014.

The Maze Runner is a very good three star film that could, given time and triumphant sequels, become a laudable four star franchise opener.

The Maze Runner - Dylan O'Brien and Will Poulter

Images credit: IMP Awards, Collider

Images copyright (©): 20th Century Fox

Author: Adam (Consumed by Film)

I'll be at the cinema if you need me.

22 thoughts on “The Maze Runner (2014)”

  1. I haven’t found time to see this one yet but your review makes me think that I probably should. I’ve liked both Kaya Scodelario and Will Poulter in the past… I might give this one a try after all.

    1. I’d give it a go if you get the chance. It’s not as preachy or schmaltzy as the young adult genre can be, which is probably kudos to the novel. They’re both great, hopefully there’s more to come!

  2. I read the book prior going into this, and I actually read a great review (by Mettel Ray) on the comparison of the two formats, where the book was stronger in the beginning and the film was stronger in the end.

    The movie was certainly good. The scenery, the idea behind everything, the acting, the set especially was incredible. I felt like the script is where the film lacked, and that we really never got to know the characters because almost none of them got ample enough opportunity to be more than a background character.

    I agree that it seems like they had a sequel in mind, with the ending feeling a bit rushed. Some changes made from book to screen were positive, while others I felt a little shocked that they had left them out.

    For me, Kaya Scodelario’s character, Teresa, was most disappointing. Not because of the actress, but because they gave her little to do on screen, making her almost a caricature forced to fill an ineffective role for the sake of it.

    Great review, Adam. I’d be curious to see if they make a sequel, and if so, if they build on what they already have and improve it. I hope so!

    1. Agreed, the look and sound gave the film a realistic vibe despite the actual idea being a bit far-fetched. I’ve read a few gripes from some in regard to the Maze CGI, but I thought it was great!

      I’m with you on the character points too – even those who were more developed weren’t as developed as they could’ve been. I guess that comes with the ensemble territory.

      And poor Kaya’s is least rounded, which is a shame because she is really talented! Hopefully we’ll see more from her in the sequel, which is presumably going to happen given the box office tallies thus far.

      Thanks Kristin! I think I’m going to give the book a go too, but will no doubt enter into a dilemma regarding whether or not to wait for the second movie or read the second book first, haha!

      1. I think the CGI for the Maze was great! Wow, I’m actually surprised some people didn’t like it!

        I imagine she is a talented actress. It’s a shame the movie didn’t give her an opportunity to showcase her talent.

        Haha, it certainly is a dilemma! I actually enjoyed the second book the most out of the series. I’m not sure if that’s how other people feel, but I found it to be the most interesting and entertaining of the three. I do hope you enjoy it if you read it!

  3. Mixed reviews sent me scurrying away from The Maze Runner. Quite nice to see Consumed by Film giving it the positive-ish treatment. Thanks for that man, I’m more likely to grab this as a rental some time. I’m prepared for a rather wooden version of The Hunger Games, but in my eyes a knock-off of that is better than 80% of the other YA offerings. 🙂

  4. Great job, Adam. I ended up liking this one quite a bit–enough that I really want to read the book series now. It’s not perfect by any means, but it definitely has more good going for it than bad. I thought O’Brien was great–same for the supporting actors. It IS kind of a Hunger Games ripoff, which is a shame. As much as I’ve been enjoying the films that have come out of the YA dystopian stuff, I do think we need a break from it…

    1. Thanks Cara! I’ve bought the first book too! Have you read any yet? Yeah, there’s a young adult saturation going on at the moment, which is a shame because films are struggling to stand out. I liked this one though, intrigued to see where it goes from here.

        1. Not yet. Just started Gone Girl though, which is interesting! I haven’t seen the film but I’ve heard the book Horns is based on is really good too. Lots of book-to-screen adaptations around these days!

          1. HOLD THE PHONE. Adam, if you haven’t read anything by Joe Hill, I’m gonna go ahead and urge you to bump him to the top of your list. Horns is fantastic, but my favorite has to be NOS4A2, which you simply must read. I’m, erm, kind of a Hill fangirl…bahaha.

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